6. CRSP clients

Depending on your laptop there are a few clients that can be installed.

Please note that RCIC does not provide Windows OS or macOS support for the campus. If there is an operating system related issue, RCIC will refer you to you get support to address your systems issue first before installing CRSP Desktop.

For issues with clients please see CRSP Troubleshooting

6.1. DUO Multifactor Authentication

In July 2024, Campus DUO authentication will be mandatory for all CRSP desktop clients. The push response of DUO can become very tiresome. On some clients, DUO can make CRSP unusable because every file transfer requires another DUO push. RCIC cannot β€œturn off DUO.”

However, ssh keys with strong passwords is a secure method to to provide a different second factor of authentication. SSH keys managed properly do not require DUO after initial setup but still maintain strong security. Never copy an ssh private key file!

Quick Start

  1. You should follow the guide to Generate SSH keys for different platforms.


    • It is highly recommended that your private key file is in PEM format and has a .pem file extension. The CRSP desktop clients more reliably recognize PEM-formatted keys.

    • If using Windows, it is recommended to use the Powershell method for generating ssh keys and not use PuTTY.


    • All ssh keys that you generate MUST have a strong password. Passwordless keys are a security violation.

    • DO NOT COPY ssh keys from one laptop to another. Every different physical device should have a different ssh key pair.

  2. Make sure you uploaded your public keys to CRSP per Managing Public SSH Keys on CRSP.

Learn how to use SSH Agent on your desktop/laptop. If on Windows, you can also Putty’s pageant. SSH agents securely store a private key in memory so that you only have to type the key’s passphrase once.

6.2. Supported Protocols for Accessing CRSP

There are only three underlying data transfer protocols supported for accessing CRSP:

This is the only protocol available to desktop clients.
Network File System.
This is only supported on HPC3 through the path /share/crsp.
This provides very simple, browser-based access to CRSP.
This is a fallback access method.

6.3. CRSP Desktop App for macOS

The CRSP Desktop for macOS is a licensed and branded version of the generic Mountain Duck link:https://mountainduck.io/[Mountain Duck] product. product. It allows you to map one or more CRSP drives or file paths to a folder on your Mac.

Table 6.1 System Requirements

Supported Operating System

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Monterey / Mojave /

Catalina / Big Sur / Ventura

Intel or ARM (Apple Silicon) Processor

8 GB of memory

1 GB of disk space

6.3.1. macOS: Download Desktop App


  • You must either be on the campus network or connected to the UCI campus VPN to download the installers.

  • UCI pays a per-seat license for CRSP Desktop. Please do not share your downloaded copy of CRSP Desktop Installer with anyone.

  • If you have a different (previous or newer) version of the CRSP Desktop (or Mountain Duck), you need to uninstall it.

Download Step 1:

Using your choice of the web browser login to the CRSP File Browser using your UCInetID and password:

web browser login

Fig. 6.1 Login using your UCI credentials

Respond to the DUO push:

web browser login

Fig. 6.2 Duo push

Download Step 2:
After a successful authentication the window will look similar to the one shown below.
Click on the CRSP-Desktop-Downloads tab, then click on the CONNECT:
crsp top level

Fig. 6.3 CRSP web browser top level

Download Step 3:

You should see three items on screen: a .pkg file for Mac clients, a .exe file for Windows, and older-versions folder. To toggle the between list and icon view click on the Layout icon outlined in green.

For the Mac, simply click on the file with .pkg ending:

select file to download

Fig. 6.4 Select file to download

Download Step 4:

You should then see a screen with a download button on it and the full name of the file that will be downloaded to your local computer. Click Download:


Fig. 6.5 Download

You may see a popup window asking if you want to allow downloads from this site, click on Allow button and save the file to your local computer:


Fig. 6.6 Confirm download

6.3.2. macOS: Install Desktop App

Install Step 1:

Find the downloaded file, depending on your Mac configuration, the file is in your Downloads folder or in your Desktop:

downloaded crsp desktop app

Fig. 6.7 Downloaded CRSP Desktop app

Install Step 2:

Double-click on the downloaded file name to launch the installation. You will see a confirmation window, click Open:

confirm opening download app

Fig. 6.8 Confirm opening of CRSP Desktop app

Congratulations! CRSP Desktop is now installed in your system!

6.3.3. macOS: Configure Lab Share

This will Map CRSP Lab Share as a folder on your laptop.

Configure Step 1

Once the CRSP Desktop application is opened, there will be a small icon in the top toolbar:

crsp desktop app in the top toolbar

Fig. 6.9 CRSP Desktop app in the top toolbar

First time the application is started, it will automatically open a template window where you can configure your connection. The template bookmark is labeled panteater.

You will edit this bookmark with your specific information.

Configure Step 2

The most common share to access is a lab share, owned by a UCI principal investigator.

Needed information to connect to CRSP:

  • Your UCInetID

  • The UCInetID of the CRSP lab owner:

    • It is our UCInetID if you own CRSP Lab

    • It is the UCInetID of your adviser, If you are a graduate student or post-doctoral researcher

In this example configuration, we are going to use the following specific information for user npw to access the ppapadop lab:

  • UCInetID - npw

  • UCInetID of the CRSP lab owner - ppapadop

You will edit 5 fields in the default bookmark: Nickname, Username, SSH Private Key, Path, and Connect Mode:

edit default bookmark

Fig. 6.10 Default template bookmark


  • Nickname - we recommend that you change it to something like: CRSP LAb - <pi> lab

  • Username - your UCInetID

  • SSH Private Key - use an SSH key name that you should have generated when following the Quick Start procedure for working effectively with DUO. The corresponding public key should have also been copied to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on CRSP itself.

  • Path - only the last part (highlighted) that represents CRSP Lab Owner’s UCNetID should be edited. The /mmfs1/crsp/lab must remain unchanged.

  • Connect Mode - should be changed to Online. This keeps all files on CRSP and reduces local cache space. If you use CRSP from multiple clients, this the most reliable mechanism for keeping all data in sync.

  • The URL is created automatically from the information you type in other fields, you don’t directly change it. This URL is for using the SFTP protocol to access CRSP and is an end-to-end encrypted connection.

Configure Step 3

After editing the bookmark with the specific information, your screen should look similar to the one below (but with your specific information in place):

edit default bookmark

Fig. 6.11 Edited bookmark

Click Connect to save the updated bookmark and to connect to the share

6.3.4. macOS: Connect to Lab Share

After editing, if you click on the CRSP Desktop Notification Icon (top bar), you should see your edited bookmark. For our example:

connect to lab share

Fig. 6.12 Connect to Lab Share

At this point, your lab share is connected and you can use it just like a folder or network drive:

lab share in file browser

Fig. 6.13 Lab Share in file browser


The snapshots folder is hidden. To view hidden files/folders in Finder, on the open folder press Command + Shift + . (period) to make the hidden files appear.

6.3.5. macOS: Password + DUO vs. Passphrase

You have two authentication options when connecting to CRSP:

1. SSH Key with Passphrase

What to Expect with a Passphrase

It is highly recommended that you use ssh keys with a passphrase as described in the Quick Start guide.

When you click connect in the previous step, you should see a pop-up window similar to the following (with your ssh key info):

enter ssh key passphrase share

Fig. 6.14 Enter the ssh key passphrase

Notice that a local file (ssh private key ~/.ssh/crsp-npw) and a passphrase are requested. You can optionally save the passphrase.

Assuming that the public key for the private key has been properly installed on CRSP, you should be connected without a DUO prompt.

2. UCInetID + password + DUO Push

What to expect with a Password + DUO

If you do NOT install an ssh key, you will be prompted for your UCInetID password and a DUO push. Even if you have the CRSP Desktop remember your password, the DUO Push will be required each and every time the desktop reconnects to CRSP.

Step 1 Enter your password, similar to the following:

enter user password

Fig. 6.15 Enter the password associated with YOUR UCInetID

Step 2 Respond to the DUO push

Respond to DUO

Fig. 6.16 Respond to DUO

Usually, you would enter 1 in the box, click on Continue and you will receive a duo push on your phone. If your phone isn’t available, then you can enter one of your DUO backup codes that you set up when you enrolled in DUO through the UCI Office of Information Technology.

6.3.6. macOS: Add New Shares

You are not limited to just a single, mapped, space. To create a new share, click Open Connection to create a new template and edit it following the directions above.

The following figure shows 3 configured shares:

multiple shares

Fig. 6.17 Multiple Shares configured

6.4. CRSP Desktop App for Windows

The CRSP Desktop for Windows is a licensed and branded version of the generic Mountain Duck link:https://mountainduck.io/[Mountain Duck] product. product. It allows you to map one or more CRSP drives or file paths to a folder on your PC.

Table 6.2 System Requirements

Supported Operating System

Minimum Hardware Requirements

Windows 10 / Windows 11

Pentium Class Processor

4 GB of memory (8 GB recommended)

1 GB of disk space

6.4.1. Windows: Download Desktop App


  • You must either be on the campus network or connected to the UCI campus VPN to download the installers.

  • UCI pays a per-seat license for CRSP Desktop. Please do not share your downloaded copy of CRSP Desktop Installer with anyone.

  • If you have a different (previous or newer) version of the CRSP Desktop (or Mountain Duck), you need to uninstall it.

Download Step 1:

Using your choice of the web browser login to the CRSP File Browser using your UCInetID and password, follow with DUO authentication:

web browser login

Fig. 6.18 Login using your UCI credentials

Respond to the DUO push:

web browser login

Fig. 6.19 Duo push

Download Step 2:
After a successful authentication the window will look similar to the one shown below.
Click on the CRSP-Desktop-Downloads tab, then click on the CONNECT:
crsp top level

Fig. 6.20 CRSP web browser top level

Download Step 3:

You should see three items on screen: a .pkg file for Mac clients, a .exe file for Windows, and older-versions folder. To toggle the between list and icon view click on the Layout icon outlined in green.

For the Windows, simply click on the file with .exe ending.

select file to download

Fig. 6.21 Select file to download

Download Step 4:

You should then see a screen with a download button on it and the full name of the file that will be downloaded to your local computer. Click Download and save the file to your local computer:


Fig. 6.22 Download

6.4.2. Windows: Install Desktop App

Install Step 1

By default, the file is downloaded in your Downloads folder. Find the downloaded file, double-click on it to launch the installation. This installation includes the licensed version of CRSP Desktop.

Install Step 2

In the opened window click Install to Install the CRSP Desktop on your laptop.

install downloaded app

Fig. 6.23 Install the CRSP Desktop.

Install Step 3

After a successful installation, follow the instructions and click Restart to restart your computer:

restart computer

Fig. 6.24 Restart your computer

Congratulations! CRSP Desktop is now installed in your system!

6.4.3. Windows: Configure Lab Share

This will Map CRSP Lab Share as a folder on your laptop.


If Accessing CRSP ANNEX, then this step requires modification and is similar to Windows: Add New Shares

Configure Step 1

CRSP Desktop shows in the Windows Notification Area (also known as system tray). You can left-click or right-click on the CRSP Desktop icon to open it:

start desktop app

Fig. 6.25 Start CRSP Desktop App

Once opened in a set of bookmarks choose a template bookmark labeled panteater.

choose template bookmark

Fig. 6.26 Choose the template bookmark

You will Edit this bookmark with your specific information.

Configure Step 2

The most common share to access is a lab share, owned by a UCI principal investigator.

Needed information to connect to CRSP:

  • Your UCInetID

  • The UCInetID of the CRSP lab owner:

    • It is our UCInetID if you own CRSP Lab

    • It is the UCInetID of your adviser, If you are a graduate student or post-doctoral researcher

In this example configuration, we are going to use the following specific information for user ppapadop to access the npw lab:

  • UCInetID - ppapadop

  • UCInetID of the CRSP lab owner - npw

You will edit 5 fields in the default bookmark: Nickname, Username, SSH Private Key, Path, and Connect Mode:

default template bookmark

Fig. 6.27 Default template bookmark


  • Nickname - we recommend that you change it to something like: CRSP LAb - <pi> lab

  • Username - your UCInetID

  • SSH Private Key - use an SSH key name that you should have generated when following the Quick Start procedure for working effectively with DUO. The corresponding public key should have also been copied to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on CRSP itself.

  • Path - only the last part (highlighted) that represents CRSP Lab Owner’s UCNetID should be edited. The /mmfs1/crsp/lab must remain unchanged.

  • Connect Mode - should be changed to Online. This keeps all files on CRSP and reduces local cache space. If you use CRSP from multiple clients, this the most reliable mechanism for keeping all data in sync.

  • The URL is created automatically from the information you type in other fields, you don’t directly change it. This URL is for using the SFTP protocol to access CRSP and is an end-to-end encrypted connection.

Configure Step 3

After editing the bookmark with the specific information, your screen should look similar to the one below (with your information). Click OK to save the updated bookmark:

edited bookmark

Fig. 6.28 Edited bookmark

6.4.4. Windows: Connect to Lab Share

After editing, if you click on the CRSP Desktop notification icon, you should see your edited bookmark. For our example, it looks like the following:

connect to lab share

Fig. 6.29 Connect to Lab Share

Click connect to open your share. At this point, your lab share is connected and you can use it just like a folder or network drive. If you are not running ssh-agent or CRSP desktop has not remembered your password, you should asked for the passphrase to your ssh private key file that you specified.

6.4.5. Windows: Password + DUO vs. Passphrase

You have two authentication options when connecting to CRSP:

1. SSH Key with Passphrase

What to Expect with a Passphrase

It is highly recommended that you use ssh keys with a passphrase as described in the Quick Start guide.

When you click connect in the previous step, you should see a pop-up window similar to the following:

enter ssh key passphrase share

Fig. 6.30 Enter the ssh key passphrase

Notice that a local file (ssh private key) and a passphrase is requested. You can optionally save the passphrase. Assuming that the public key for the private key has been properly installed on CRSP, you should be connected without a DUO prompt.

2. UCInetID + password + DUO Push

What to expect with a Password + DUO

If you do NOT install an ssh key, you will be prompted for your UCInetID password and a DUO push. Even if you have the CRSP Desktop remember your password, the DUO Push will be required each and every time the desktop reconnects to CRSP.

Step 1 Enter your password, similar to the following:

enter user password

Fig. 6.31 Enter the password associated with YOUR UCInetID

Step 2 Respond to the DUO push

Respond to DUO

Fig. 6.32 Respond to DUO

Usually, you would enter 1 in the box, and you will receive a duo push on your phone. If your phone isn’t available, then you can enter one of your DUO backup codes that you set up when you enrolled in DUO through the UCI Office of Information Technology

6.4.6. Windows: Add New Shares

You are not limited to just a single, mapped, space. To create a new share, click Open Connection to create a new template and edit it following the directions above.

Here is an example with multiple connections configured and active:

multiple lab shares

Fig. 6.33 Multiple Lab Shares

6.5. Web based File Browser

A simple, easy to use File Browser is platform independent and is compatible with most web browsers.

Please note that File Browser is suitable only for lightweight use. We provide CRSP Desktop App for macOS and CRSP Desktop App for Windows for moderate to heavy use.


  • Your system must be updated with the latest version of Google Chrome, or Firefox or Safari

  • You must be registered and setup with UCI DUO

6.5.1. Logging in

Using your choice of the web browser login to the CRSP File Browser using your UCInetID and password:

web browser login

Fig. 6.34 Login on CRSP File Browser using your UCI credentials

Respond to the DUO push:

web browser login

Fig. 6.35 Duo push

6.5.2. Connect to your Lab or HOME area

Once logged in, you will be presented with the CRSP top level screen. You can follow the tabs to your Lab shared areas in My-labs or HOME private area in My-Home:

web browser top level

Fig. 6.36 Top level File Browser


  • Nothing can be stored in HOME area, it is used for for files associated with the account and for storing quota info file. It is a completely private area, only you have access.

  • We recommend that you do most work on CRSP in your lab area. Lab areas are flexible for sharing. You can be granted access to multiple Lab areas.

To see your labs, Click on My-Labs, then click on CONNECT. You will see a screen similar to the next one. In this example a user npw has an access to 4 labs:

web browser labs

Fig. 6.37 File browser labs for user npw

6.6. Linux SSHFS

This page illustrates how use SSHFS on Linux laptops for accessing CRSP. SSHFS will Map CRSP Lab Share as a folder on your laptop.

6.6.1. Install SSHFS

On your laptop you will need super user (sudo) rights to install SSHFS.

For CentOS based laptop
$ yum -y install sshfs
For Ubuntu/Debian based systems
$ apt-get -y install sshfs

6.6.2. Mount CRSP shares


You must either be on the campus network or connected to the UCI campus VPN to use sshfs.

In this example there are two variables:

  • username - Your UCInetID

  • labname - The UCInetID of the CRSP lab owner:

    • It is our UCInetID if you own CRSP Lab

    • It is the UCInetID of your adviser, If you are a graduate student or post-doctoral researcher

From your desktop or laptop, execute the following command replacing username and labname with the appropriate UCInetID(s):

$ cd ~
$ mkdir crsp_mount
$ sshfs -o ssh_command='ssh -A -X -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
        -o idmap=user username@access.crsp.uci.edu:/mmfs1/crsp/lab/labname \

As a result, sshfs mounts CRSP Lab share under ~/crsp_mount directory. Use any name of your choice in place of crsp_mount.

Sshfs will not automatically map all your remote UID and GID from all of your CRSP groups into your local Linux system. Note in the command above the use of -o idmap=user option. This will only present your primary UID/GID from the remote CRSP system to your local system.

As the campus does not have a centralized directory service to manage every systems, options on how to keep your local system and CRSP accounts synced are very limited.

6.6.3. Unmount CRSP shares

To unmount the share that was mounted in the above example:
$ fusermount -u ~/crsp_mount

6.6.4. Using SSHFS

Examples of SSHFS use:

Copy a file from your local system to your SSHFS mounted drive
$ cp ~/dir1/file.tar.gz ~/crsp_mount/share/
Recursively copy a directory from local system to mounted CRSP share using rsync
$ rsync -rltv ~/dir1 ~/crsp_mount/share/

6.7. Access from HPC3

On HPC3, CRSP shares are mounted in /share/crsp:

[user@login-x:~]$ ls /share/crsp

HOME area for all users accounts


read-only access for HOME area snapshots


Lab area for all users accounts


read-only access for LAB area snapshots

6.7.1. CRSP HOME

User CRSP HOME area is /share/crsp/home/UCInetID:

  • it is a placeholder for login related files

  • it is not the same as your cluster account’s $HOME

  • Do not store anything in your CRSP HOME

File /share/crsp/home/UCInetID/quotas.txt in your CRSP HOME area provides information about quotas. Please see Quotas for details.

6.7.2. CRSP LAB

LAB area is your primary storage area and is in /share/crsp/lab/UCInetID or any other LAB directories you have access for.

If you are a PI and it’s your lab



Mounted location

Who has read/write access






you can create any directories and files


your personal space

If you are added to a PI lab e.g., you are a student/postdoc in the lab



Mounted location

Who has read/write access



your PI



you and PI


all lab members

The following example shows the directory structure and permissions for a PI panteater who has a lab and added 2 students:

[user@login-x:~]$ ls -ld /share/crsp/lab/panteater
drwxr-x--T 3 panteater panteater_lab_share  512 Mar  6 15:58 /share/crsp/lab/panteater

[user@login-x:~]$ ls -l /share/crsp/lab/panteater
drwx--S--- 2 panteater panteater_lab       2048 Jul 12 10:22 panteater # by PI
drwxrws--- 2 student1  panteater_lab        512 Apr 29 10:27 student1  # by student1/PI
drwxrws--- 2 student2  panteater_lab        512 Apr 29 10:27 student2  # by student2/PI
drwxrws--T 4 panteater panteater_lab_share  512 Nov  2  2020 share     # by all in lab

6.7.3. Moving data to CRSP

Please see Data transfer for in-depth commands examples.

For example, to recursively copy your mydir/ directory from DFS6 storage to your LAB share on CRSP:

[user@login-x:~]$ rsync -rv /dfs6/pub/paneater/mydir /share/crsp/lab/panteater/

6.8. Unsupported Clients

Please see the Unsupported CRSP Clients Guide for some pointers on unsupported clients.