4.1. Overview
CRSP is a network-based multi-Petabyte storage cluster for the UCI campus research community. It is a reliable and resilient location created for researchers across UCI to store and share their research data.
CRSP is available across the network, it supports multiple modes of storing and retrieving data including web browsers, “folders” on laptops or desktops, and just another file path on UCI’s High-performance computing clusters.
CRSP is funded through central campus to guarantee a fixed amount of no-cost storage to any faculty member or staff researcher who requests space. These campus funds pay for the people, the baseline infrastructure, and vendor maintenance required to provide the robust infrastructure.
CRSP is only available on the UCI Network or through the campus VPN.
- While there are many possible use cases, a driving one is:
A faculty researcher and the data needed to support the research lab, graduate students and postdocs. In this model, a lab “area” is created on CRSP and is logically owned by the researcher. The lab area owner can specify additional users who have read/write capability on the area and how much space each could consume
CRSP filesystems must not be used to store personally-identifiable information that would fall under guidelines such as FERPA (e.g. Student data) and HIPAA (health-care data).
If you are unsure if CRSP is suitable for your data, please refer to general guidance for data security provided by the UCI Office of Research
4.2. CRSP to CRSP2 Transition
On July 16, 2024 CRSP underwent a complete hardware upgrade to replace end-of-life hardware and expand capacity. After the upgrade:
All active user/lab files have been copied from CRSP to its replacement (CRSP2). If you actively access CRSP now, you will be able to do so after the upgrade. Your files will be in the same location as they were prior to upgrade.
DUO Multifactor Authentication will be required for ALL desktop clients. Please see Using DUO with CRSP for using SSH-keys with strong passwords. Once you have set up key-based authentication, you need to re-configure your CRSP Desktop Client Bookmark to use your ssh key instead of your password.
The scp (Secure Copy) interface to CRSP is no longer available. Please see Supported Access Methods.
Snapshot locations for labs will move. This is due to an underlying configuration change. See CRSP Snapshots.
Faculty labs will no longer be automatically created on CRSP2. Instead, faculty who want to activate their no-cost CRSP allocation should send an email to hpc-support@rcic.uci.edu.
4.3. CRSP technologies
- CRSP is a combination of several technologies
It is built with industry leading storage technology to ensure data high availability and resiliency.
It is multi-site and is comprised of commodity server components from Dell for cost-effective scaling and performance.
The underlying parallel file system is GPFS (also known as IBM Spectrum Scale)
Additional support and integration software from Kalray.
- Features include
An active-active storage system setup between two hosting locations for high availability and redundancy, with fully fault tolerant high speed networking.
End-to-End 24x7 software and hardware support.
A fully encrypted file system, featuring encryption at REST ensuring user data security.
Several user access methods are in place, with enterprise level support. All access mechanisms are fully load-balanced between data centers.
A file system design that has massive scaling capabilities without compromising performance.
A front-end access layer design that is capable of scaling horizontally as demand grows.
Multiple user access methods, assuring a superior level of user experience.
4.4. Allocations
CRSP is funded through central campus to guarantee a fixed amount of no-cost storage to any PI who requests space. These campus funds pay for the people, the baseline infrastructure, and vendor maintenance required to provide the robust infrastructure.
A PI is a ladder-rank faculty or a researcher who has an exception granted to act as PI on federal grants by UCI Office of research.
Each CRSP allocation is associated with a PI’s account and is provided for UCI’s PI members as follows:
- No-cost baseline allocation
1TB quota per PI
- Recharge allocation - Lab area
PIs who require more capacity than the baseline allocation, can purchase additional capacity. Please see Storage Related Recharges and Purchase CRSP storage
The allocation owners (PIs) can grant access to their spaces to students, postdocs, and other faculty members.
4.5. Getting CRSP Account
All requests described below must be sent to hpc-support@uci.edu.
- I am a PI on campus and I want to have an access:
You may request a no-cost 1TB lab allocation and include:
your UCInetID
UCInetIDs and names of the people that you want to add
- I am a PI and I want to add students/postdocs to my lab:
You should send a request and include:
your existing CRSP lab name
UCInetIDs and names of the people you want to add
- I am a PI and I want to access my colleagues lab:
Your colleague must send a request to grant access to their lab and include:
existing CRSP lab name
your UCInetIDs
- I am a PI and I want colleagues outside of UCI to have access to my lab:
You must first sponsor a UCInetID (see Access) then send a request to grant access.
- I am a student/psotdoc/researcher and I want to access my PI lab:
You should send a request and include:
your UCInetID
your PI’s UCInetID or existing CRSP lab name
You must cc your request to the PI. Once the ticket is generated (you receive an automated email response) the PI will have to respond to the cc with a confirmation. We will not create an account without your PI’s confirmation.
4.7. Accessing CRSP
- login name:
your UCInetID
- password:
your password associated with your UCInetID
We do not set or change passwords.
You can access your granted CRSP storage from Windows, MAC, and Linux systems via a few methods. The links in the table below provide installation instructions:
Method |
Description |
CRSP Desktop clients are for accessing CRSP from Windows and macOS laptops. We provide licensed and branded version of a commercial software Mountain Duck. |
This is for light weight CRSP resource usage, supports file or directory uploads/downloads and provides in-browser edit capabilities for certain file types. |
SSHFS can be used for accessing CRSP from a Linux laptop/desktop. |
NFS mount provides and access to the CRSP’s LAB and HOME areas from HPC3. |
Consult our CRSP Troubleshooting if you have trouble accessing your CRSP area.
4.8. Quotas
All CRSP-based file systems have quota enforcement.
CRSP allocations are provided for UCI faculty members. In general, users do not get a default CRSP allocation. The allocation owners can grant access to their spaces to students, postdocs, and other faculty members.
Users who are granted access have $HOME area which is used only by account related files. This area is NOT for storing anything else.
User who are granted access to one or more PI’s lab areas (see Private and Shared Areas) may have additional quota limits set by their PIs for the group area.
All CRSP quotas are enforced in two areas: total space used and number of files.
When writing in group area users need to remember that all members of the group contribute to the quota. It’s the sum total usage that counts. When quotas are exceeded, users can no longer write in the affected filesystem and will need to remove some files and directories to free space.
Users can’t change quotas, but can submit a ticket asking to be added to the group quotas provided there is a confirmation from the PI about the change.
4.8.1. How to check
There are two ways to check your quotas:
Using a web browser go to the https://access.crsp.uci.edu/quota You will be asked to authenticate yourself (DUO) and once successful you will see a simple text page indicating your quotas for HOME and LAB areas.
When you are logged on HPC3 you can simply view your CRSP quota. File /share/crsp/home/USERNAME/quotas.txt in your CRSP HOME area provides quotas info:
[user@login-x:~]$ ls -ld /share/crsp/home/panteater drwx-----T 7 panteater panteater 2048 May 10 15:28 /share/crsp/home/panteater [user@login-x:~]$ cat /share/crsp/home/panteater/quotas.txt Quota Report for panteater : 06/12/23 17:30 == Storage Areas that you own == (1) == Your use in Paths to which you have access == /mmfs1/crsp/home 0.001 GB/ 0.020 GB 6/40 files (2) total bytes in use : 115.735 GB/ 0.000 GB /mmfs1/crsp/lab/UCInetID-pi 39.799 GB/ 1024.000 GB 2900/100000 files (3) total bytes in use : 374.092 GB/ 1024.000 GB
The firstls
command above gives an idea when the file was updated.The secondcat
command shows that the user panteater:(1) does not own any area (user is not a PI).(2) has no usage in HOME area /mmfs1/crsp/home, this is a correct behavior.The 0.001 GB is used only by account related files. Currently the userused 6 out of 40 files (40 is a quota).(3) is a member of UCInetID-PI LAB and used 39.799 GB of the allocated 1024 GB LAB areain /mmfs1/crsp/lab/UCInetID-pi and 2900 files (quota 100000).The total usage of the LAB area by all lab members is 374.092 GB.Note the path naming on CRSP and HPC3:
Path on CRSP
Path on HPC3
If you are a PI of the lab you will to see the usage of your lab quota for all lab members.If you are a member of the lab you will see only what you have used from the lab quota allocation.
4.8.2. Over quotas
When quota is filled either in used space or in number of files, the users will not be able to write any files or directories and submitted jobs will fail with quota exceeded errors
For example, the following output in quotas check show the quotas exceeded for the user in number of files (a) in storage used (b):
mmfs1/crsp/home 0.014 GB/ 0.020 GB 40/40 files (a) total bytes in use : 115.735 GB/ 0.000 GB mmfs1/crsp/lab/UCInetID-pi 1029.799 GB/ 1024.000 GB 2900/100000 files (b) total bytes in use : 1029.799 GB/ 1024.000 GB
4.8.3. Fix over quotas
Fix number of files
The number of files quotas are reasonably set at the time of the account creation. When the quota is exceeded we recommend that users:
check what they wrote and remove any temporary files
commands to create single files from the directories containing many small files and remove original small files.files number quota exceeding in $HOME is usually related to temp files that Jupyter puts for each web-based access session. Check how many such files you have and remove older files while logged in on HPC3:
ls -l /share/crsp/home/npw/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/ total 1024 -rw-rw---- 1 panteater panteater 254 Jan 30 14:41 nbserver-114022.json -rw-rw---- 1 panteater panteater 562 Jan 30 14:41 nbserver-114022-open.html -rw-rw---- 1 panteater panteater 255 Mar 14 2022 nbserver-3966545.json -rw-rw---- 1 panteater panteater 562 Mar 14 2022 nbserver-3966545-open.html ... cut lines ... rm /share/crsp/home/npw/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/nbserver-3966545*
if you never login on HPC3 but use web-based access only for your CRSP lab space you will need to submit a ticket asking us to remove such files.
Fix space quota
Usually quota violations happen when:
users fill space over quota. Either reduce your usage or buy additional space (see Allocations).
users use
commands to transfer the files that results in wrong ownership permissions.Please see fix DFS over quota section that provides info on how to find offending files (wrong group permission) and how to fix. The only difference is a path to he written files.
4.9. Snapshots - Deleted Data Recovery
A snapshot of a file system is a logical, point-in-time, read-only, copy of all files. It’s not really a complete copy. Instead, the file system keeps track of files that are changed or deleted after the snapshot was made. CRSP Snapshots are point-in-time copies of the CRSP file system.
4.9.1. Default settings
By definition, all snapshots are read-only, meaning you cannot delete a file from a snapshot. Restoring a file from a snapshot is as simple as copying the file back to your desired directory/folder.
On CRSP, all snapshots are labeled by date and time. The timezone is GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
- Snapshots are taken:
Daily, kept for 89 days
Files that were deleted/changed more than 90 days ago are gone forever
- Is Snapshot a Backup?
Almost. Backups are generally thought of as historical copies of files to an offsite location. In a traditional backup, users could go back in time months or years to recover a file. A snapshot is a point-in-time virtual copy of a filesystem that is kept on the filesystem itself.
Snapshots provide some safety against the common “I accidentally deleted it” case. Files created and deleted in the same time interval between two snapshots are not recorded in any snapshot and have no recovery.
CRSP does not keep historical backups of data. But, there is an offsite copy of all CRSP data. In essence, every file in CRSP has three copies - two (one in each sub cluster) in Irvine and one (off site) in San Diego.
Snapshots allow you self-service restore of files/folders that you have recently deleted or overwritten.
Offsite backups protect against total failure of CRSP itself (highly unlikely).
- When I’ve found a good snapshot, what do I do?
Answer: Just copy the file or folders that you want to restore from the snapshot back to the area where you want the file so that you can access it normally.
4.9.2. Locations of Snapshots
Each Lab has its own .snapshots directory
To restore data into your
area, you must use the web console
4.9.3. Restoring Lab Data from Snapshots
Since most CRSP data is stored in a lab area, this most likely the applicable guide for recovering your data.
- 1. Using HPC3
Located at the top-level of your lab directory is the .snapshots directory. This directory is owned by the root user and cannot be changed by any user.
Navigate to the .snapshots directory, where you will see directories that have names that look like @GMT-YYYY.MM.DD-hh.mm.ss. This encoding indicates date and time when the snapshot was taken. For the lab ppapadop, on HPC3 you would find the ppapadop snapshots as below:
[user@login-x:~]$ ls -tr1 /share/crsp/lab/ppapadop/.snapshots @GMT-2024.07.15-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.14-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.13-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.12-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.11-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.10-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.09-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.08-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.07-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.06-07.00.00 @GMT-2024.07.05-07.00.00
- 2. Using the CRSP Desktop
On a Mac, the .snapshots folder is hidden by default. See Mac connect share section for a reference how to view hidden folders in the Finder.
Click on the .snapshots folder at the top level of your already-configured lab share:
Fig. 4.11 .snapshots directory or folder at the top-level of the lab
Then you will see a set folders (tip: sort by name), that has the date and time when each snapshot was taken:
Fig. 4.12 Example folders in .snapshots directory
Continue navigating to a date where you believe a copy of your deleted or overwritten file is located. Copy it back to your working area.
- 3. Using Web Interface
This is very similar to the above, follow the following rough steps
Open your web browser to https://access.crsp.uci.edu/myfiles/
Click on My-Labs
Navigate to your lab and its .snapshots folder
Find the date of interest, and then download the file(s)/folder(s) to your local system
4.9.4. Restoring $HOME Data
Snapshots for the home area are kept in one place for ALL users. If you are on HPC3, you can see all the home snapshots at /share/crsp/home/.snapshots. This will have the same naming format @GMT-YYYY.MM.DD-hh.mm.ss as shown above in Lab Area Snapshots. You, can navigate into one of these directories and you will see all user home areas names. You will only have permission to further descend into your home area
- Using the Web Interface
areas usually don’t contain significant data, it can be a little more straightforward to use the Web Interface.Open your web browser to https://access.crsp.uci.edu/myfiles/
Click on Home-Snapshots
Click on the date of interest. You will be looking at the state of your
on that dateDownload the file(s)/folder(s) to your local system
if you don’t see the Home-Snapshots, but see a folder listing instead, then click in the upper right on the Power Icon