3. UNIX primer
The information is intended for new HPC3 users and for users that are new to Linux/UNIX-like operating systems. Please consult the rest of the user guides for information that is not covered here.
This page contains info to provide some familiarity with Linux/UNIX but it is not an exhaustive guide.
3.1. File permissions
File permissions are used in determining quotas.
Our cluster and storage systems are running one of the UNIX operating systems. All data in Unix is organized into files, all files are organized into directories and the directories are organized into a tree-like structure called the filesystem.
There are three basic types of files:
- ordinary file:
is a file on the system can contains data, text, program instructions.
- directory:
directories store special and ordinary files. Unix directories are equivalent to folders on Windows or Mac OS.
- special file:
file that can provide access to hardware such as hard drives, symbolic links.
Every file has the following access modes:
- read:
denoted as r, the capability to read or view the contents of the file.
- write:
denoted as w, the capability to modify and remove the content of the file.
- execute:
denoted as x, the capability to run a file as a program.
- sticky bit:
denoted as s, additional capability to set permissions for Set User ID (SUID) and Set Group ID (SGID) bits.
Every file has the following attributes or permissions:
- owner:
determine what actions the owner of the file can perform on the file.
- group:
determine what actions a user, who is a member of the group that a file belongs to, can perform on the file.
- other (world):
determine what action all other users can perform on the file.
File permissions can be displayed when using ls -l
$ ls -l
total 55524423
drwxrwsr-x 7 panteater bio 127 May 12 16:29 biofiles
-rw-r--r-- 1 panteater panteater 4294967296 May 31 2022 performance.tst
In the output, a first line labeled total shows number of blocks used in the file system by the files which are listed as the directory’s contents. The default block size is 512 bytes.
The remaining lines are the listing of a directory’s contents. The following information is displayed for each file (example of the second line):
- file mode:
- number of links:
- owner name:
- group name:
- number of bytes in the file:
- abbreviated month:
- day-of-month file was last modified:
- hour file last modified:
- minute file last modified:
- pathname:
The first filed in the output, a file mode, represents file type and its associated
permissions. For example, file mode drwxrwsr-x
for biofiles:
character |
meaning |
1 |
2-4 |
5-7 |
8-10 |
To learn more about files permissions execute command man ls
3.2. Symbolic Links
Symbolic links, also known as soft links or symlinks, are special types of files that point to other files. The data in the target file does not appear in a symbolic link, instead, it points to another file system entry.
While symbolic links can be a practical choice, sometimes they can have a significant, adverse impact on performance
- Appropriate use:
When making shortcuts for the names between the files on the same filesystem.
When making shortcuts from a local file system to a remote file (networked) file system, for example /pub -> /dfs6/pub
- Should not be used:
Symbolic links between any two networked file systems.
As an example of inappropriate use suppose you define a convenience link from your home area $HOME to your PI’s CRSP lab area as:
$ ls -l crsplab crsplab -> /share/crsp/lab/pilab
In this scenario,
Every file operation that uses $HOME/crsplab as part of its path must first go to the NFS server that provides $HOME.
The NFS home server then redirects to CRSP server and a second network transaction is made for the CRSP server.
Essentially, this kind of convenience link forces the home area server to be in the middle, doing completely useless work that can have significant impact on the home area server and on your code running on a cluster node.
CRSP and DFS servers are designed to handle high-volumes of traffic, while the home area server is not.
Do not create symbolic links between $HOME and CRSP or DFS!Use aliases or environment variables in place of symbolic links whenyou are making shortcuts for the file names in different filesystems.
Use aliases or environment variables
A shortcut name can be accomplished via an alias or an environment variable. For example, in your .bashrc add
alias crsplab='cd /share/crsp/lab/pilab'
export CRSPLAB=/share/crsp/lab/pilab
Then use either an alias or a variable depending on your task. When need to change to your CRSP lab area can simply execute one of the following commands (they are equivalent):
$ crsplab
When need to list contents of your CRSP lab area:
For using aliases and environment variables in your Slurm jobs please see Using Aliases.
3.3. Special Characters
Avoid using special characters in file or directory names.
Special characters are used by bash and have an alternative, non-literal meaning. For example, a white space is one such special characters and can be represented by:
space |
newline |
tab |
vertical tab |
carriage return |
form feed |
Please see a list of special characters and avoid using them in file and directory names.
3.4. SSH keys
You must either be on the campus network or connected to the UCI campus VPN to access HPC3.
3.4.1. Keys Concepts
A high-level understanding of how things work will enable you to better secure your own logins SSH uses Public Key Cryptography and challenge/response to negotiate secured sessions.
What do these terms really mean?
Public Key Cryptography - text or data can be encrypted using the public key of the recipient. The recipient then uses the matching private key to decrypt the message.
Challenge/Response - the ssh server (e.g., HPC3) encrypts a message using your public ssh key and challenges your client on your laptop to decrypt it and send back a response based on the contents. If you can successfully respond to the ]*challenge*, the ssh server considers you authenticated.
Passphrase - a password associated with your ssh key pair
The figure below shows where your SSH private key and public keys are located. The server encrypts the challenge with YOUR public key. You type in your passphrase to your private key each time you login.

Fig. 3.13 SSH Keys Challenge Response
The Algorithm Steps:
User requests to login.
Server creates a random code and encrypts the code with the user’s ssh public key and sends it back to the user - challenge.
User decrypts the challenge with the user’s private ssh key. To do it, need to type in the passphrase to that key. The now-decrypted challenge is used to create a valid response message. That message is digitally signed with the private key and is then sent back to the server - response to challenge.
The server uses the user’s public key to verify the authenticity and content of the message. If the response matches the challenge, then access is granted otherwise it is denied.
Your private SSH key should never leave your laptop
You should always use a strong password (passphrase) on your private ssh key
This password should be different than all of your other passwords
You need to type in your password each time you login
3.4.2. Ssh-agent
If you have access to your private key and use it to respond to HPC3’s challenge, you need to type in the passphrase to that key for success.
Ssh-agent enables you to load the key into the agent with a passphrase and have the agent respond to login challenges for you.
In essence, you type in private key passphrase once when loading your local agent and then the agent responds for you. In this scenario, you enter your the passphrase to your private key once.

Fig. 3.14 SSH Challenge Response with Agent
The algorithmic steps:
User starts an ssh agent then enters once the password to ssh key to activate the agent
User requests to login
Server creates a random code and encrypts the code with the user’s ssh public key and sends it back to the user - challenge
Ssh agent decrypts the challenge with the user’s private ssh key, uses decrypted challenge to create a valid response message, digitally signs it with the private key and sends it back to the server - response.
The server uses the user’s public key to verify the authenticity and content of the message. If the response matches the challenge, then access is granted otherwise it is denied
Using ssh-agent reduces the number of times you enter a password from the keyboard
When you reboot your laptop (or logout), the agent is wiped from memory
3.4.3. Ssh-agent & Windows
With the general background of how ssh-agent functions, Microsoft Windows 10/11 has two commonly-used ssh-agent mechanisms:
Ssh-agent running in Microsoft Powershell
Putty ssh client that uses putty-gen to create a public/private key pair and pageant as the ssh-agent.
Please see ssh agents guides listing.
3.4.4. Troubleshooting
There are many online guides for ssh, please sea SSH links.