Getting started

A step-by-step Beginner guide includes info presented below.

This is a quick start outline for people who are new to RCIC resources. Please carefully read the links at the end of each paragraph to get detailed information.

⏩️ Get an account

Note, you need to have a valid UCINetID.

For HPC3 cluster account please see Getting an account.
For CRSP account please see Getting CRSP Account.
⏩️ Log in

The Logging in guide explains how to login.

When you login on the cluster you will be put on one of the login nodes.
Please read Acceptable use to find out simple rules of conduct.

⏩️ User guides

Read the Reference guide. It summarizes the topic by categories. Check the step-by-step Beginner guide if you a new to the cluster.

⏩️ Running jobs

We provide a few Slurm user guides that explain in detail how to use Slurm workload manager for running computational jobs.

⏩️ How to get help

Please see Frequently Asked Questions and Support tickets.

Browse through the rest of the website sections for specific topics and use Search field in the top left corner of any RCIC website page to search its documentation.