.. _storage hpc3: How to use ========== HPC3 has several storage systems available. Connectivity, File System architecture, and physical hardware all contribute to performance. .. centered:: :bluelight:`HPC3 Storage pictogram` .. image:: images/storage.png :align: center :width: 100% :alt: hpc3 storage .. attention:: | Storage is shared among all users. | The nature of networked-storage makes is possible for | a single user to render a file system unusable for all. The following summary explains what each storage system provides, what it should be used for, and shows links for in-depth how to use guides. :bluelight:`Home` | **See details in** :ref:`HOME storage guide `. | Provides a convenience access on all nodes via mount over NFS | Slowest performance, yet is sufficient when used properly | Use to keep small source code or compiled binaries | Use for small (order of Mbs) data files | :red:`Do not use for data intensive batch jobs` :bluelight:`Scratch` | **See details in** :ref:`Scratch storage guide `. | Local disk space unique to each compute node | Fastest performance, data is removed when job completes | Use as scratch storage for batch Jobs that repeatedly access many small files or make frequent small reads/writes: | :red:`Not available on login nodes` :bluelight:`Parallel` | **See details in** :ref:`DFS storage guide `. | Provides a convenience access on all nodes via mount | Performance is best for processing medium/large data files (order of 100s Mbs/Gbs) | Use for batch jobs, most common place for data used in batch jobs | Use to keep source code, binaries | :red:`Do not use for writing/reading many small files` :bluelight:`Campus Storage` | **See details in** :ref:`CRSP storage guide `. | Provides a convenience access on all nodes via mount over NFS | Performance is best for processing medium/large data files (order of 100s Mbs/Gbs) | Use sometimes for batch Jobs, usually better to use DFS or local $TMPDIR storage | Use to keep source code, binaries | :red:`Do not use for writing/reading many small files` :bluelight:`Campus Storage Annex` | **See details in** :ref:`CRSP ANNEX storage guide `. | Provides a convenience access on all nodes via mount over BeeGFS | Performance is best for processing medium/large data files (order of 100s Mbs/Gbs) | :red:`Do not use for writing/reading many small files`